
It appears he's making an art piece. I am guessing that David Lynch either has a gold shovel sculpture in his home (that he made), and/or he made a device like that for painting. I can't see a reason for what Jacoby was doing otherwise…seems like a Lynchian indulgence.

You should love ep3. I didn't see much Inland Empire in the first 2 episodes (saw lots of Mulholland), but ep3 starts about as Inland as it gets. The first scene is very, very, VERY Lynch.

What saved this scene for me was Andy and Lucy. The expressions of pure pride at Wally just cracked me up to no end. Ditto for Robert Forster's "I need a stiff drink" expression while listening to Wally.

And remember when Tom Sellick could have a mustache and short shorts and be the manliest man in Hawaii.?

Yeah, it's kind of like he's transitioning back from FWWM (by way of Mulholland Drive and, by ep3, Inland Empire). I will say, though, the more classic stuff can really test my patience when Lynch has this much time to work with. Wally and the Silver Mustang were tough to get through…the former significantly helped by

I saw S2 first, then "Wild at Heart" (initially disappointed because it was nothing like Twin Peaks, or the trailer, really). Finally saw S1 right before FWWM. Not really idea. I accidentally showed some friends the pilot thinking it was ep 1, and that was a mistake. I tried to explain the ending and how it differs

When Cooper floated into the glass box, was anyone else expecting a couple of assistants to walk in from each side with big hula hoops to show he's not using any wires?

I'm trying to imagine what someone would think of FWWM seeing it first. When would they give up? When Mike drives down Leland and Laura in the camper screaming about corn? The woman with the sour face? Philip Jeffries? It's a challenging movie even a) having watched the show a bunch, and b) being a big fan of all

I loved that part. Burn!

I was absolutely entranced by tonight's episodes. It really did feel like a movie (with a cut off ending). As an episode ending, I loved it, though…the combination of a worn down James Hurley smiling at Shelly's table while the Chromatics play and the credits roll. The whole thing felt very much like peak David

Oh, man, that was a bad move. Only thing worse would be to start with 'Fire Walk With Me'. Absolutely best to watch it in the order everything was aired (S1, S2, FWWM, S3). If you want to catch up, there's a lot of garbage storylines you can FF through, though (i.e. the maternity test, James the crooner, James the

Yeah, it looked to me like he was just rubbing his balls inside the mug, which would go along with his speech about eggs.

Damn, at least he wasn't in Twin Peaks….actors from that show have been dropping like flies the last couple of years. Damn shame, and I was just thinking about him in MacGruber last week. He was a great straight man to Will Forte and just a terrific actor all-around. Truly memorable in Frailty as well, but he was one

He wrote the introduction for "The Big Book of British Smiles"

Yeah, they added a kid in the middle of the season, which is one of the classic examples of jumping the shark.

So what was the payoff to 3 episodes of mute Jasper and medicated Melissa? Jasper talks and Melissa goes back to normal? This is one of my big problems with the show - dragging storylines out that ultimately go nowhere.

I'd wager that Oakley is going to end up at Davis & Main and married to Kim Wexler towards the end of the show.

I keep watching the scene with the protomolecule disassembling the ship…such a haunting scene (it reminded me of the hybrid's incineration after finally getting its food). What really impresses me the most about it is that the production staff had to have modeled a ship in 3d from its individual parts and then build

Maybe Fred Johnson will let the Roci back on Tycho after Naomi hooked him up with the protomolecule, given that Holden wanting to destroy it is why they got kicked off it in the first place.

I've never really liked her character much…just too dour with nothing else. If it wasn't for Holden becoming some kind of overboiled Ahab late in the season, she'd be my least favorite crew member (not counting Prax in there…he kind of sucks, too).