
what did that one woman say to Jesse about him? Something like "When you meet him, it's going to blow your mind"

That killing the Night King might be how to win the war? That spoiled the entire show. I've been watching for 7 years, but there's no point any more now that I read the headline about how the main villain might be killed as some sort of point to the show. Anyone know what's on Starz on Sunday nights?

"One Jesus’s disciples—is he named? if so I missed it" - Thaddeus.

I made a rash purchase of the album after the show…I needed something new to listen to, anyway, and the previews of the tracks sounded really good.

And the last mask was a SCREAM MASK!

I bought the paperback.

I'd go with the guy hiding in Librarian's Quest to spy on a store while Nathan hid in a cigar store Indian to spy on Librarian's Quest. Runner-ups would be ELIAFF and the hotel orgy.

The dude reads my mind. I have been dying to know what's happened to most of his victims. I kept up with a few and even emailed the TV guy a question ("If someone gets past the gator and gets a TV, how does s/he get the TV back outside?"….he thanked me but didn't answer my question, unfortunately). A full hour is

If ever a scene called for Big Ed to lurk in the back with a standup bass, this was it.

I immediately recognized him from MacGruber (he ruined Mac's Blaupunkt). I haven't seen him in anything else, but that arm-wrestling sequence was great.

Am I the only one who saw that headline and was hoping Samuel L. Jackson was going to be guest-starring in the next season of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." I can hear Chad Coleman saying "Oh, you mean Old *Black* Man."

"A Game of Scones"? He better brown the butter, lest it be no better than everyone else's direwolf bread.

Very true. I'm going through his credits, and so many pop up (Tron, Time Bandits, Star Trek are the big ones for me) but in Twin Peaks - one of my favorites shows ever - I can barely remember him…he was a blip. And he should/could have been a much more significant character, too.

"Hey, Doctor Who, play that sad walking-away song from 'The Incredible Hulk.'"

MIKE appears on the wall and says "Up and down, with the soft paper. Between back and taint."

She needed to finish the scene with "DAAAAMNN! I'm getting to old for this shit!"

He's one of those actors who I'd get a kick out of seeing show up simply because I associate them with some other Lynch films (the memory of "Wicked Game" playing over the "Wild at Heart" trailer before "Days of Thunder" IIRC sticks with me to this day). I want - but don't expect - to see him and Jurgen Prochnow show

I kind of get a kick out of Belushi here because he's cast as a well-dressed casino boss (there's a David Cross monologue about working with him on "Destiny Turns on the Radio", where Belushi demanded designer suits). Odd that there's still no Audrey, and unfortunate that there is (and will likely never be) a Chester

It's hard for me to feel (or even feign) outrage over this. I can count, off the top of my head, more Nazis-won-WWII stories than Confeds-won-Civil-War ones. And even the, I can only think of maybe two (Man in High Castle and maybe Sky Captain), and both were pretty good, so I'm not going to indict the whole genre.

Yeah, and what's crazy is that Genesis is supposedly nearly as (or more?) powerful than God and can make people explode, but in the hands of the right human, it can…make people move on command. He's basically an entry-level Jedi without the psychokinesis.