
The Master Race doesn't make things for themselves. We wait for another race to make something, and then steal it.

Speak for yourself, I'm only lightly modified.

Honestly as a European, this American obsession with ancestry is hard to understand. Particularly because it's combined with super, over the top, patriotism. Like, these people LOVE being American, but they also want to be something else? That's weird.

While I'm not in favor of shutting down certain topics from all discussion, I do wonder if Benioff and Weiss have really thought this through. Have they accepted that this show will most likely become a favorite show of the alt-right? That at some of these rallies they will see imagery from their show on signs that

"This is the most catastrophically ill-conceived, badly written, most immoral show of all time, in fact, possibly the worst product of the whole of human civilization:

Good post. Dany isn't just white, she's like, double-white.

Nothing better than reading millionaires and billionaires who suck all the wealth from everybody else moaning about how everybody else isn't spending enough.

I hope you at least leave it a bad review on yelp to prove that you're better than all those peasants who eat at chain restaurants and like them.

I have money, it's just that I waste it on crap. Like, I was going to get health insurance, but instead I bought an iphone. Another time I was going to save up a down payment on a house, but instead bought smashed avocado on toast.

Yeah, I don't know why but Applebee's has always seemed like the worst one out of the bunch to me, even over places like Chili's and all its ilk.

Wow, I cannot make that out at all. I see a split second of them dragging something, but not the cage. I guess you have the brightness on your TV set higher than mine! I'm glad they've got some kind of plan anyway.

Or they stay together as a happily married incest couple.

To be fair, I think it's more that neither of them are very good actors.

Hey don't worry, after Kinja comes in there will be a lot fewer, and mostly just in the ignore pile.

"She finally returned his affection"

I like this plan!

I'm wondering where any of the Greyjoys are. Presumably we'll check back in with Yara at some point, but is Theon hiding in a basement to avoid Jon or something?

I mean, you'd think they'd at least bring along a cage or something. How exactly are they planning on capturing this thing?

They're planning to bring a zombie, not Ice Maul.

Something something disrupt something.