
I actually don't think it's a good idea to see a Nazi march and just shrug and say "well, Nazis gonna Nazi", unless we want to normalize Nazism.

It's basically about blaming scapegoats for your own inadequacies. I was watching something the other week that provided a fairly compelling case that the whole pick-up artist scene wasn't really about picking up women at all, but actually was about providing excuses for why these men couldn't get a woman.

I really feel that not enough hay has been made out of the fact that "Trump" fits so perfectly into that song.

It is a story about traitors - I guess I could see why that would lead someone to think about the Confederacy.

But how will we refer to The Daily Mail readers if they're not reading the Daily Mail?!

I absolutely hated the 300 pretty much from the first frame. It inspired in me a hatred that few films before or since (Scary Movie comes to mind as another one) have inspired. I personally did not find that the film worked on an "animal level", I just found it to be a piece of shit on every artistic level.

Well it's like that old joke against Switzerland, that at least Germany picked a side.

"Ducks suck. Chickens are way better"

Antivaxxers are another good one. I don't know what the second one is though (and I'm guessing I'm about to become less happy when I find out).

I meet a lot of these people, since these topics come up in my work. The problem I have with them is that the unspoken assumption is always that they will be part of the elite. It never seems to occur to them that maybe they'd be part of the unwashed masses.

Literally anyth- oh damn! You're right, I can't name only one thing more important than this.

MRAs have gone on my list with "climate change deniers", "holocaust deniers", and "creationists" as people not worth talking to.

And then the corporate sites will trawl those dedicated communities, find something they've done, quickly knock up some slap dash write up with a picture or two, and make an "article" out of it on their own site. Maybe they'll call it "Great Job Internet". Just a thought.

As Sean noted, comments don't translate to page views, and to be clear, page views are the only thing site runners care about. This is why, at the end of day, they don't really care if they kill off the commenting altogether, provided it doesn't overly affect page views. Everything else they say is just noise and

"I've fought that battle in the past and lost"

"I promise you they are taking copious notes"

How many articles (sorry, I mean "content") on this site even have "authors" anymore, as opposed to "reposters"?

You've been listening for years. The problem is that the listening has never translated into action.

Not really. The point of these sites is to churn out amorphous "content" (it's not articles or reviews or discussion, it's…"content") culled from other sites that took it from other sites…that will be shared on [social media platform of choice] and looked at for 5 seconds on the phone on the toilet. Commentators and

The Dissolve was everything I wanted in a movie site, and then it was gone.