
Good catch.

I don't know, Sam can really get under a guy's skin.

Jaime mentioned the deaths of the Freys in episode one, didn't he?

There aren't too many people who can stand next to Emilia Clarke and be the hot one out of that pairing, but she manages it.

Time moves slower at sea. Just ask Gendry.

"Ahahahaha! You just wet yourself because of my dragons in front of everybody! You must be so embarrassed!"

Agreed. For me, Euron crossed the line from regular villainy into cartoonish super-villainy last episode when he descended with his Joker laugh on Yara's ship. I just can't take his character seriously.

I wonder if that nun lady Cersei gave to Zombie Mountain is still alive.

She was a real avenger.

It's a Targaryen family tradition after all. And it's not like anything bad ever resulted from it like a history of madness in the family or anything.

My bet is on it being a murder-suicide with both of them dying together.

Not to mention this is potentially explosive information. It's not something to blurted out in front of everybody. I'm not sure how Dany will take it for that matter, since, depending on your point of view, Jon may thus have a better claim on the throne than her (depending on how they weigh bastard vs. woman).

We already have reality shows about reality shows. We've been full Inception for a while.

The problem with hitching your wagon to a rabid, epileptic shitweasel, is that you never know where you're going to end up.


"it doesn’t describe exactly how thinking of Dany’s face makes Jorah feel while lying awake at night"

No, no, like this: Talked about Trump. Very bad president. The worst. Everybody agrees. Sad!

I had to look them up. The only Nagel I'm familiar with is the one who doesn't know what it's like to be a bat. I love them personally - if I could afford prints, I'd probably get some.

Now I'm curious what the worst possible extended universe would be.

I used to go to Snopes a lot, when it had a wide variety of stories. But now it seems to be all "no this business didn't really refuse service to a veteran" and "no this celebrity isn't dead". Generally 90% of the time now I can tell what the article is going to say just be looking at the headline, so I lost