
Maybe they are for locking the books in place and Sam is a terrible librarian and can't be bothered locking them!

Nowadays we'd probably call them terrorists.

The Empire brought many fine innovations to the natives - concentration camps, for example! Feel free to thank us.

As a Brit, it's something I've really noticed: we have just forgotten about that whole empire thing, except for some vague nostalgic glow about how cool we used to be. We can even talk about Gandhi while managing to not quite notice how we're the bad guys in that story.

So? Do you think Popper was OK with slavery?

"Is Turkey evil because wife-beating and honor killings are tolerated there?"

I'm actually not trying to be passive-aggressive, and I apologize if it came off that way. I guess I'll stop talking since apparently I'm only making things worse with every post.

Fair enough, I guess I thought this was "our place" and not "your place".

Number 4 would probably be Napoleon not losing I think.

I don't think it's necessarily flag waving to be upset at the idea that the Nazis might have taken over your country. It seems pretty decent of you to be bothered by that.

Lots of people have advocated for that position. Popper most famously.

"Sure there was slavery"

Wait, I thought they all ended with the dinosaurs still being alive in the present day?

You might be right.

Britain is like the Grandpa Simpson of the US. Let us tell you about the time we invaded India with an onion tied to our belt.

I am rubber and you are glue.

Not by the time of the civil war, which is what we're talking about, isn't it?

I like adventure games. I just don't like that one. Much to my surprise actually, I thought I'd love it.

The US Civil War is not an epochal turning point for the vast majority of the world. Don't forget that almost everywhere else had already outlawed slavery at that point and so wasn't involved in the trade much.

Actually I would be curious to see a story about what if diseases hadn't wiped out 90% of the native population, and so the European colonists had had to find some way to coexist with the too numerous to wipe out tribes?