
Where was this Grey's Anatomy all season?! My views on season 14 have gone from "UGH NOOOOO" to "UGH fine."

Her line about Justice Tenny is great, as is her “Noooope” when Mike tries to start his first question for book with, “As a female…”.

I would love to get a comment thread started on everyone's opinion about whether the show should continue to another season or be left as-is. What are your thoughts?

How do we get Nicole Kidman an Emmy TODAY?

Stray Observation: Why does the narrator seem to be forgetting a lot of details over the past few weeks? More specifically with the new characters? Does this mean something? Is there a narrator twist on the horizon?

So Alex is just back, and no one’s like, ”Oh hey, man, welcome back. Close call with the jail time, huh?”

After going through each stage of grief, I have finally reached acceptance. The clues have really been there all along (such a great excuse for a re-watch). SO masterfully executed and it shows what a writer with a solid plan can do. What I realized is that we are about to get the story that How I Met Your Mother

Jerry! Not Teddy!