
Is this really "the full list"? I find that a lot of the stuff I watch never seems to make it to these lists. Admittedly, I think I watch more unusual stuff.
Right now, my choice each evening is an episode or two of "Rookie Agent Rouge" — a secret agent series set in pre-WWII China. It's interesting in that the

Even if someone were competently opposed to gay characters appearing in children's films, that wouldn't mean they object to the director, voice actors, or songwriters being gay.

I didn't read the books. I've faithfully watched each episode, but I wouldn't call it even close to one of the better shows on television. The pilot was maybe the third best episode so far, in my estimation.
There are, however, definitely some things to like about the show. Penny and Quentin's interactions are

Wow, that's crazy…I kinda of like that idea, but it seems like it could play havoc with a storyline. The characters would be away from Julia etc for months.

I'd love to see more of Kacey on the show. Great in every scene she's in, and much more ogle-worthy for me personally.
Much better outfits too, though of course that just comes with the bad-girl character.

They flew… all the way to Antarctica?!? That's really far. Even as geese, that would take months. I had assumed they were in Alaska or Canada somewhere.

I suppose that's a possibility, but 1) it could have meant he had taken it somewhere as an undergrad and re-took it, and 2) the same criticism goes for Todd.

Oh, one observation — this is a three year program with supposedly about fifty students per year, or less. So how is it that anyone can show up and not be known? Mike strolls in and two second-year students don't recognize him?

She's indeed "stacked", but as a straight guy I find her about as attractive as a store mannequin. Expressionless, standoffish, selfish, and dull. Margo is more interesting even though she works hard at being shallow.

Congrats to your buddy. Forgive my ignorance, but I take it that means he wrote the screenplay for the episode? Does he get a say in overall arc?

Doesn't take a lot of budget to simply not drop f-bombs. I'm a little puzzled why they feel the need to use the word fuck in the first place. It's not like anything depends on it, really.

Agreed. And I haven't even read the books.

That's probably my favorite part of any of the episode so far.

One line bothered me — when Finnegan mentioned "a couple of (XXXX)philes" — it took me a while to figure out if he was saying "cinephiles" (due to their love of movies) or "sinophiles" (due to their love of Chinese people, which Finnegan apparently perv-shares).

The franchise guy lost my sympathy once he admitted to the vandalizing. If the guys wants to sue, he should sue — not become a criminal. Given that no one's business is going under and a court case would just be long, expensive, and annoying for both of them, they should settle.