Mr. V

To your point:


Do you really feel the need to force your understanding of creationism on every creation scientist? If so, you are NOT open to knowledge. Do you believe exactly the same as every evolutionary origin of the species scientist?

And what "law" of physics or any other branch has ever proven to be true at all times, without exception? I understand your reference but the bottom line is we are not of a certainty dealing with "laws"; they are best understandings until something substantial indicates otherwise.

And a glaring lack of knowledge is most often evidenced by reliance on gross generalizations and the use of immature language.

Actually there is a large part of science directly related to creationism that "scientists" who totally reject any concept that might indicate a Creator have to do the most intricate form of illogical constructions to account for.

In fact, I know a number of scientists who either were convinced to a faith in God or confirmed in their existing faith by their UNBIASED research. Still, that is probably not what you meant. And that is were you err. Creationists do NOT all believe that the Bible tells us exactly how God made the Cosmos. They do

Nice exclamation point on your ignorance, as this article is for its author. The statements being made by "Answers In Genesis" simply assert that it cannot be considered SCIENCE if it rejects certain hypotheses only because of their source (i.e. tenets of creationism). At least the program is slightly more open to

Then take your limit and cut it in half. Ready for the next round?

How about the fact that infinity is encountered both in space and under the microscope. Let's start with that.

Rudely condescend much!?!

By then it will be too late…