
Dude. Rent or download Feast of All Saints immediately. Spoiler alert - it shows that during slavery SOME black women VOLUNTEERED to be the white man's mistress in exchange for a better life for their children. While your at it check out the series Underground - the exact same theme appears there as well. Your straw

I will bet anything that the author of is over 30 and single, and cannot figure why. Her attitude and viewpoint is why black consistently lose in the dating game and why 43% of them will never get married and why 25% of us marry outside our race. I don't have the time to fix what's broken in her - I'm too busy.

Several paragraph response w/o answering the question. Struck a nerve. Must go back into lurch mode until someone cleans up all these spilled emotions on else 3

No photo. Defensive. False equivalents. Making exceptions. I'm betting you are presently single, am I right?

Someone that actually is true to themselves. They are not trying to be anything other than who they are. Fully Self Aware and moreover comfortable and in love with their whole self. Flaws and all. Someone with true confidence that her choices are her own, and who lives life based upon her rules.

Real women don't wear fake hair. Period. If you don't have the confidence in what God gave you, and your renting it and sewing it in from someone else - that is the very definition of fakeness. Why would any REAL man be attracted to something so counterfeit?

Hair pulling is not a thing? Who told you that? Hair playing and pulling are extremely erotic. There is simply no artificial substitute that can match this.

Who told you that hair is not important to men? Are you serious?

I waited until I was 36 to have my son, and he is now 8yrs old. And looking back, it was by far the best decision I made. Even though his mom and I are no longer together, I am so glad that I overcame my fears to become a father. I was very happy before him, but it is as if I tapped into a dimension of happiness

I'm black and I hate Kanye, because he is Bishmade. He is an embarrassment to every real n@gga alive, throwing tantrums on stage like a hoe. Trying to punk the lil white girl but could barely look 50 cent in the eye for their photo shoot. His fashion sense is trash and he wife's up the whore. I mean seriously, in

My List and Why.

No Rakim?

Best Cameos for sure - his Albums? Not so much.