God yes! I loved this season, but as a Godless Canadian I wasn't allowed to watch it via Honda advertising portal. I'm choked it took them so long, to be honest. I don't generally purchase digital content, but I nearly did for these episodes.
God yes! I loved this season, but as a Godless Canadian I wasn't allowed to watch it via Honda advertising portal. I'm choked it took them so long, to be honest. I don't generally purchase digital content, but I nearly did for these episodes.
Ubisoft briefly promised to give Assassins Creed a break after III.
Why do it justice, when you can sell it piecemeal? If you sell it at all…
I want a complete series bluray so I can give it a place of honor on the shelf. Stone cold classic.
You want me to do two things? Man, I'd call my lawyer if diallin' the phone wasn't such a hassle.
This is exactly the kind of reasonable educational dialogue I came here to avoid!
And yet people say that weed makes you write crazy shit.
I was given to understand he was pretty active in Futurama, but The Simpsons is a self-driving car at this point. I imagine he's been inspired by recent animated shows with limited runs, but his pitch isn't broad enough for Fox and he doesn't smoke enough weed for Adult Swim. Odds are, we end up with a deep cut over a…
I enjoy at least a handful of songs on every new Weezer album, so this registers on the excitement scale. Ballsy to willingly draw comparisons to the Beatles' weird masterpiece though.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed this ends up being his Rick and Morty
I only recently brought myself to rewatch the show, and while I can make my peace with most of the finale I still had to shut it off as soon as she tells Ted her name. Everything that follows is such a godawful fumble of a delicate reveal, it makes me physically angry.
This show is a masterclass in gag writing. The cold open where Hal sings a song about his bacon belly while the camera slowly pans out to reveal Lois in the tub, or when Hal and Dewey throw a spider out the front door only to make a huge mistake, or when Francis switches the cooler full of explosives with the cooler…
I deeply enjoyed Dan Harmon's feeble attempts to string jokes together. I often suffer a similar fate while attempting humour.