
And, most disappointing of all, not even a GOOD gay fetish artist.


My guess is not Morty or Summer, but Jerry. He's going to have to man up and find his spine to save the rest of the family still trapped inside Rick's orbit - or at least to show he deserves a place at the table as much as anyone else in the family.

I enjoyed Breaking Bad explicitly because it's about a man discovering how far he's willing to go - by the end, he has metaphorically destroyed his family, his extended family, his house, his hometown, thousands upon thousands of lives, and his own body in pursuit of what he ultimately admits was little more than

I don't necessarily disagree - Rick's decision to get himself thrown in prison went from a moment of self-reflection and sacrifice to "It was my plan all along!" between seasons 2 and 3, and the only reason that doesn't piss me off more than it does is because I'm trusting the writers to either go somewhere with it or

I left the episode initially turned off - until it occurred to me that the whole point seemed to be sucking the catharsis out of an easy adventure premise, and exploring the effect it has on the people closest to Rick when he loses the last veneer of civility (in this case owing to substance abuse.) The episode goes

I enjoy that Todd is then fully subsumed by Greendale and becomes part of the wallpaper.

This excerpt makes me feel good about the shitty 'funny' fanfic I used to write.

My fiancée enjoyed Girlboss, it's too bad that it didn't catch with more people. The parts I saw were certainly unique and interesting, that's for sure.

I'm really really hoping you're wrong. Fingers crossed!

After his confrontation with Chuck and the terrible aftermath, it makes sense that Jimmy wouldn't want to practice law as a McGill. He would be trading heavily on his name as a lawyer - a name which serves as a painful reminder of a family he has little claim to anymore. On top of that, the McGill name is no longer

What better way to needle an egotist than to refuse them even the satisfaction of their name? Fucking brilliant.

This is perfect. Lots of small, reusable sets. Lots of drama and class warfare. The complex inner lives of the train riders! Exactly right for television.

The joke was vicious and fearless, and I back Colbert 100%

The ending is fantastic and I love it.

Riggs sucks, and I hate him. Go away, Riggs.

Guys, stop. We all know this is TV rules, which declare that pregnancies and the aging of children shall occur on a separate plane of temporal hell. The pregnancy always waits for a mid-season break or season finale or sweeps week (when that was a thing). Children age up between seasons whenever possible, and

It might be more accurate to say they went into this season expecting to write more strong material for the originals. Clearly that isn't how it shook out in the room.

The balance starts relatively even, but inevitably slips as the writers run out of metaphorical 'meat' for the loaf. They start padding it with sawdust. Grey's and House both start to lose the thread around the time they start to jettison cast members, and pick back up once the 'medicine' of the setting has become

I really wish I found Larry Wilmore a more engaging presence, because he is very smart and very funny. I also wish I had watched his show instead of taking his voice for granted. Either way, he deserved a much longer run in which to grow. Boo urns!