
We are dealing with the show runner's version of each character as to make em his own. arrow, gotham, Smallville etc. Are based on comic book characters but are not 100% based on the comics. Twists and turns, time travel and other tools are used to keep it different and audience coming back wondering what's going on.

I don't understand your statement. His blood type didn' Change, it was just blood of an older man than a child. It was older barry's blood and the other was unknown but it didn't match well's blood type that they had on file. Whether it's his blood or someone else's that's actually on file. it could also be that wells

When you add time travel and possibility of different time lines and paradoxes, anything and everything is possible and plus it's a tv show that the writers can and will go in a shocking way to throw everyone off.

It was right after stein was taken i believe. I made the mistake of deleting episode and not recording that scene cause I figured it would be all over the internet by now but nothing.

I have to go back and rewatch. But I believe it was after stein was taken and they're all at star labs

Surprised there was no mention of the scene with barry and Wells sitting next to each other wearing the same exact clothes, sitting in same posture and doing the same mannerisms, even with their hands. It looked like young and old barry allen just mirroring each other.