
Heard Middleditch is a bit of a thug in real life.

Are you fucking kidding me? Whatever the fuck she thinks she was doing was retarded. Constantly mugging like an idiot. But not really ever funny.

So his model wasn't recalled due to malfunction, it was recalled because some people confused the levers. So he died because he confused the levers. Perhaps, he deserved to die.

Because Pop isn't almost the same word as rape. rap and rape are very easy to confuse.

How about we just kill both of them? Seems like the best option at this point.

You can't blame Freddy, it's so easy to confuse raper and rapper. Tons of people do it. People mistakenly use the wrong word all the time, making them almost one and the same.

Of course its awful. It's legit a piece of shit. I feel like most decent nerds know this. Its just so poorly written.

Watched Rolling on the big screen not that long ago, and it's a fucking boring movie. Who gives a shit about the themes and commentary when the actual immediate movie is such a tedious piece of shit?

LOL. Relax. No one has ever attacked some fat white videogame journalist for a delayed game. But god knows, they probably should.

Heh. That's a funny death threat. Nothing wrong with a humorous death threat.

People get angry and punch their friends all the time. It's not a big deal.

This is why white people are hated.

Was it really that different from many Lifetime movies? A few times it felt like it was doing something that was kinda winking beyond that, but I think whats so great about it is that pretty much all of it fits right in with a regular Lifetime movie.

Anyone else find firefighting to be really fucking tedious cinematically speaking? Claustrophobic and annoying the scenes themselves. Just really boring.

Why can't you make more friends? Because if a person is worth being friends with, its likely he already has all the friends he needs and is not looking to make new ones.

A lot of people are saying its about time this junkie died.

Yea, he's right. But, this has been known for a while, but still, he put it pretty well. But that's not the problem. The problem is John Oliver is just really obnoxious, imo.

Mario Bros?

When some people get older, they get fatter. Their face gets fatter, their throat gets fatter, and you start speaking differently. You pronounce differently. You start to lose the ability to say the letter B. You can easily come across as less expressive, more demure and sleepy looking.

This is probably the only good sitcom on all of TV.