
Didn't seem like that to me. They say dudes overestimate women's interest in them. Maybe that applies to their perception of women's interest in other men as well. To me, a real live human woman, it looked like she was telling Shane to eff off once she knew Rick was alive. She didn't seem to want Shane at all

That didn't look like teasing to me. It looked like Shane being a creeper who didn't want to take no for an answer.

Provoked him by rejecting him? That's a messed up thing to say.

No, on the farm there was no hanky panky between her and shane. The hanky panky ended when Rick returned.

That hasn't really been the focus of the show but just based on their living arrangements I think you would expect that there would've been some. I think since her parents are dead, and Glenn is an intelligent, competent, well meaning adult from her community he has a right to exercise some parental authority over

He's not a random though they know each other. It's not like he's some creepy pervert.

For the record, she was banging Shane when she thought Rick was dead. That's not really cheating.

The delusional little girl was a danger though. I'm not sure what I thought of her decision there. In real life, they'd get her help. But there's no juvie or therapy in the zombie apocalypse.

Dumb teens need guidance. That's Glenn's authority.

No, Sasha wouldn't get with someone who's taken. Plus, Sasha and Rosita are both hotties, and Sasha's a bada s s. Those two don't need to fight over or share anyone, they could have their pick of people on TWD.

That'd be believable if Carl and Ron weren't just as annoying and boring.

Carol doesn't murder babies.

Cool. So a group of dudes can run a train on you without your consent. Sounds good.

Well Sasha's obviously saying she only does monogamy.

Is there any way to make the insulin yourself?

Sasha's cute and I like her confidence. Abraham shouldn't be hitting on her while he's with someone else though. Cheaters s u ck.

I wonder if Bob was infected by swallowing zombie befouled water. Zombies had been living it in for months at least, and one was right by him when his head went under. In one of the recent Romero zombie movie remakes, I believe it was Day of the Dead, a guy was infected while swimming in a lake, after swallowing

Beth's been annoying since season 2. I just want her to go away forever.

I think bob was bitten when getting the food. That's why he started crying when he separated from the group. Also, as others have pointed out, it would follow the tainted meat story from the comics.