doug r

Takes a while to get in gear, could cut it to about 2minutes even without losing anything.

The Babymakers did it in 2012

I liked the new Robocop, so much I checked out Elite Squad and Elite Squad 2.

And / or The Atom suit

Had to come out of lurking to upvote you for that one.

With scorpions and black widow spiders and Gila monsters and rattlesnakes. I think I'd head for south of San Francisco, around Big Sur.

Now there's a project.

Twilight Zone probably affected him.

Joyless and violent and boring.


Good to see Eddie and I agree on at least one thing.


Near the beginning when he's in China and sharing a smoke with that family on the train they mock him when he laughs.

Near the beginning when he's in China and sharing a smoke with that family on the train they mock him when he laughs.