
According to Wikipedia, Affleck's behavior was defended by two other crew members and I expect that if the case had gone to trial, Phoenix would have been called on. Settling did make things go away quickly and quietly for the most part, as no one cared too much until Affleck was nominated for big awards. I personally

Interesting take. For me, the LOEG is one of the least-interesting Moore works because it gradually evolved from a fun, slightly smarter-than-average pulp pastiche into a vehicle for Moore to show off how clever he is (the answer is really clever, but still). The multiplicity of themes in his other works, still

What about being an undertaker? Or an antiques dealer? Or an obstetrician?

The duration and repetitive punishment the film offers is essential to the point, in my opinion. I liked it a lot (though not as much as Hell or High Water, Zootopia, or The Lobster).

Ryan Gosling's character is defined by his arrogance; hhe doesn't end up "saving jazz." He preserves a style of jazz he likes (which is what his true aim was). Plus, even if his character was meant to be taken seriously, it's not like there haven't been significant, talented, and even innovative white figures in the

Zootopia had a muddled metaphor?

Most of McCartney's stuff since Flaming Pie has been as good as or better than "Take it Away." He's had a nice run of good-to-great late period albums.

He was supposed to play Two-Face in an episode of the '60s series scripted by Harlan Ellison! Budget issues made it fall through.

I could understand if it was hard to find a director/good script for Aquaman, The Elongated Man, Phantom Lady, or some DC character that has little-to-no recognition outside of comics and/or a relatively slim portfolio of classic comic stories to their name. But this is Batman! There must be dozens to hundreds of

Ehle/Firth Pride & Prejudice is in my top 5 if we can count miniseries.

Dan Stevens's performance as he started getting "twitchy" in the psych's office was really impressive. There's a lot to love about this show, to be sure, but I think this is the kind of acting that gets awards.

Can't wait for more "With Bob & David's Wife."

What's even more incredible to me is how many otherwise-intelligent people claim that Scott Snyder's Batman is the best comic depiction of Batman ever while also professing love for the animated series. I grew up reading Batman comics that my dad collected before I was born (O'Neil/Adams, Englehart/Rogers,

I actually really enjoy the occasional Chicago deep-dish "pizza," but it's a lot closer to lasagna than pizza in my opinion.

Tone is definitely a problem, though. There are a lot of movies I've enjoyed that don't have strong character arcs, but which make up for that with a light touch, wit, a fun plot, and/or visual splendor that's not super desaturated or so disorientingly-edited that it's hard to relish. The DCU movies are brainless

I think there's a lot of examples of guys who were seen as being really moderate before they became or ran for president. McCain being the obvious example (even right after the election, he was warm to an unheard-of degree toward Obama, and then the whip of McConnell cracked), but even W. went out of his way to speak

In my opinion, a really black comedy can succeed in being hopeful if it starts off by making you sympathize with the people who abuse power (by making them funny) but gradually pivots so that the viewer eventually comes to see that kind of abuse of power as true evil that shouldn't be trivialize or overlooked in the

"Sorry, Chaplin, but making a comedy about a dictator just isn't the right time when there's a fascist in Germany…"
"Sorry, Mel Brooks, but it's hard to find a movie about racism in the Old West funny in the current social climate…"

As much as I feel that Cage is a truly interesting and even great actor, I don't know if he'll ever really return to prominence. He seems unable to form good relationships with directors (why else haven't the Coens or Lynch worked with him more than once?).

It is interesting how much his personality can totally vary from writer to writer. I've never been able to get ahold of Ditko's original Question stories, but was he originally a Randian nutjob? It seems that's the iteration that most people think of now due to JLU, but Denny O'Neil's exemplary run had him as a zen