
I do think that more and more superstar-level actors are working for smaller upfront paychecks and negotiating backend percentages. So it is incentivizing them to pick projects which don't look terrible on paper.

I love both Kirby and Ditko, but I understand why some might not like Ditko's artwork as much as Kirby's. However, it's worth noting that Ditko intentionally tried to put just enough effort into his art to get by after he got heavily into Ayn Rand. Check out some of his stuff from the monster/horror/suspense books

I quite liked King's first issue of Mr. Miracle. It was interesting enough that I dug out my copies of Morrison's Mr. Miracle and re-read them, and wow - it's probably the worst series of Seven Soldiers, but it is still really good. The themes and storytelling style are EXTREMELY similar to the stuff that's going on

I wanted my confirmation name to be "Sexburga," but my mom kiboshed that pretty fast.

I don't think I've seen people mock The Dick Van Dyke Show, but I just wanted to point out that it's another shockingly fresh old sitcom.

Wow, who would have thought that The Amazing Spider-Man would end up being one of the indisputable highlights of Marc Webb's career?

I think the "original content" part of your statement is going to be the downfall of streaming services (if it happens). There's just so much content and so very, very many platforms that it will be very hard for a show to have the "coin of the realm" impact (that Game of Thrones or Breaking Bad had) in the future and

I don't know if I'd fully endorse the album, but there are some pretty good tracks on it. The list is pretty well-written, but the reviewer has a crazy bias against Gilmour (and the Roger Waters who made The Final Cut). I'm not going to claim that "On the Turning Away" is a top-10 Floyd song, but it's much better as a

In the backdoor pilot, Matt Walsh also had a role… if he's a recurring character along with Cole and Parnell, that's like the holy trinity of comedic bit-part actors right there.

"Run Devil Run" is also a fantastic album. I wish McCartney would do more covers, actually.

Honestly, for someone who is generally regarded as one of the two most talented people in the greatest band of all time, McCartney is kind of underrated. I saw Paul two years ago, and while his Beatles numbers were impressively performed ("Hey Jude" was transcendent), the most exciting songs in his set for me were "Hi

Chris Burnham is pretty darn good. He grew by leaps and bounds during Batman Inc. and his work on Nameless was fairly esoteric in terms of layouts, ways of depicting motion, and stuff.

There are a lot of pretentious comics out there, but Arkham Asylum is probably the most pretentious of all.

I'm waiting to see whether that or Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham's Miracleman finale will come out first.

As a bassist, I have to credit the bass solo in "My Generation" for chaging what a rock/pop bassist's role in a band can be. Other than that, Little Walter's harmonica solo in "Got My Mojo Workin'" is a tour de force, as are Rod Argent's fadeout organ solos at the end of "Time Of the Season."

Mark Waid's run was less than 20 years ago, surely? That was pretty good. I also really, really liked the Allred/Fraction FF run from a few years back. But that's immaterial; Fox doesn't need good source material from the last 20 years when they have a wealth of amazingly-good source material from Lee/Kirby,

They're cornering the market for all those MF Doom fans, though.

Honestly, it's amazing to me how every Fantastic Four-related thing that Fox has done has been consistently worse than their previous attempts (seriously low bars to limbo under). I can't wrap my head around how they've consistently found ways to depict the inspiration for Darth Vader as a lame, annoying character.

I like Nocenti OK, but this announcement didn't excite me too much… until I read elsewhere that the artist on Nocenti's book is going to be David Aja! Talk about burying the lede, AV Club!

Dept. H definitely reads better on a second pass. The first three or so issues underwhelmed me when I was picking it up monthly, but I kept buying it yet not reading it. When I finally sat down and read seven issues in a chunk, it was great.