
I read some of it. As far as I remember it's kinda like an episode of Entourage but slightly wittier. The Seagal bit stuck with me because he's so hilariously inane (Seagal, that is).

That would be Executive Decision! Steven Seagal is the lone hero guy who bites it, Kurt Russell and John Leguizamo step in to save the day. Leguiazmo's memoirs feature a hilarious passage that details how much of a dick Seagal is.

I thought this episode and the whole crossover thing felt rather half-assed. None of the storylines really came to fruition, like the script needed another draft. The B99 half of the crossover fared a little better but felt similarly undercooked.

I completely forgot about that Full Metal Jacket video with the helicoptersā€¦ "fucking nonsense", indeed.