
To be fair on the tattle-telling point, Barry seems pretty bad at his job. I can't imagine how frustrating it would be to have a coworker who seemingly only shows up a few minutes each day

Knowing the basics of how the story will play out isn't the same as having the actual completed novel to work off of though, which is especially worrying given how poor the pure-show material often is.

Freedom of speech means you're legally allowed to express your views without being arrested, it does not mean institutions like a university are obligated to let you speak on campus. Someone telling you to fuck off doesn't violate your constitutional rights.

A free exchange of ideas doesn't extend to letting every hateful bigot with a following have access to another platform to spread their bullshit.

I never said it doesn't have an effect, I said it was boring and lazy. Sudden jump scares with scream chords are effective, that doesn't mean they aren't the calling card of every hack who makes a slasher film.

I always liked how often Sansa thought about Robb coming to save her before the Red Wedding.

I don't know about that, in my experience goody-goody types are very liable to totally panic if they think something could get them in trouble, I could see her being sensible about it if someone else had bought the 'meth', but I think a total meltdown is pretty in-character for the situation.

Yes, how dare Laurel wear her sister's jacket. She's the real devil, not Merlyn.

"Probably be brainwashed. Happy to comply with who knows what."

It's also ridiculous that he has her trying to figure out the origin of the mysterious markings without telling her that he's the one making them. That's pretty crucial information.

I really like the vest.

Wait, do people not want Capaldi to have their ladyboner babies? Sure he's older, but he's still far more attractive than Smith, and arguably more attractive than Tennant too.

" all presented with beautifully smooth animation and impeccable voice acting (with one notable exception in that department)."

The Avatar is pretty clearly a world leader just as much as the leaders of the individual nations, even if she doesn't have any official authority.

And also when they bring up technology. Those giant cellphones and latpops with 2mb of RAM are as 90s as it gets,

Pretty sure Harry killed that teacher with his bare hands in the very first book.

Oh right, that makes sense. I can remember in the original series there were a lot of people pissed off at Aang for seemingly abandoning the world for 100 years, so it's definitely a possibility for people to hold grudges.

Sorry if I'm being stupid, but why would knowing that make Zaheer want to kill Korra?

Andy's the kind of douche to hand out nicknames like Big Tuna, so I can't fault Jim for refusing to call him Drew.

I think at this point I actually dislike Bennet more than Larry. At least with Larry scenes I know literally everyone else watching hates it as much as me, and I'm half convinced the writers just keep him in as some cruel joke, but it seems like I'm actually supposed to give a shit about Bennet, despite him being the