Extraordinary Me

Agreed. My husband and I had it figured out fairly early on, but it was still so intense watching it unfold tonight. We love mysteries and it's rare that we will continue watching them if we already know the spoilers, but this series totally still had us hooked. And the Bonnie thing was a nice twist we definitely

It initially had a bit of that element for me too, until I sat and thought some more about Bonnie's character overall. She was so smart, grounded, comfortable with herself, and cool & sexy in a way that the rest of the women knew they could never be— I keep thinking back to her dancing at Anabelle's party, as the rest

I don't think it's silly—I think it harkens back to the idea that these women are so used to telling big little lies, typically to cover-up their not-so-perfect fallacies and sins. Here they are at the end banding together to tell another lie, but finally with a more (admirable) intention of protecting Bonnie.