
Tough spot. Jimmy fawns all over Barry O, so if he rips into The Donald, he gets accused (justifiably) of a double-standard when it comes to conservative politicians. Now y'all might think that's OK, and that half your fellow Americans should be gassed anyway, but Jimmy knows better: If you alienate 50% of America

Yeesh. Such liberal bed-wetting over a film that shows an American soldier in a positive light. One wonders if "Sniper" made more money in its first weekend of wide release than such America-sucks movies such as Lions for Lambs, Valley of Elah, and Redacted made in their entire runs combined. As long as the

Re: "300 hectares on a single tank of kerosene"…based on the hectares/miles conversion calculators, 300 hectares = 1.2 miles. Not unlike the mileage on Rainier Wolfcastle's Humvee ("1 highway, zero city", as Marge swoons…)