Comma Marries Your Mom

I finished the book in two days flat! I think I like it more than Cloud Atlas, even if it was less technically impressive.

I am going to disregard this comment. Nothing is allowed to dampen my excitement.

I've finished a Christopher Priest mini-binge with The Adjacent and The Affirmation. Both good reads, and completely different from what I was expecting.

Get your priorities straight!

You're going to have to work a little harder! Or, as in my case, work less hard so you have time to jump in on AV Club articles.

Grr! Argh!!


Yes, but would you say you…peacock NBC's new fall lineup?

Oh I thought the 3rd and last book had come out already, and was very confused! I've only gotten through the first one so far, so that will put August on the map for me!

I believe Matt Damon is in talks to play him! Can't wait for the movie.

Great choices, all!

The thing about Ocean at the End of the Lane is that it gets worse with time. It starts off so strongly and the rest of the book is just not nearly as good.

It's funny. I LOVED Child 44, and knew it was a series going in, but never even considered reading any of the other books in the series. Maybe because the first one was so fantastic I can't imagine liking any of the others half as much.

Child 44 is going to be the next Gone Girl in terms of pop culture focus, what with the Tom Hardy film and all.

The great thing about Life After Life was that the focus wasn't so much on reincarnation and undoing mistakes as it was the exploration of family and life during WWII. It's just a lovely tale. I feel like other stories have those sorts of plots, but wouldn't have the same themes.

I agree! You have to let her live a little before her deaths really start to matter to you.

I tried reading this as a kid because I thought it was a biography of the magician. True story.

Wait. Is this the 4th book in the series?

Yes another convert of that book! I really can't get enough of the narration style of it either. I think the interesting thing will be to see if that aspect of it can make a good transition to the screen.

I recently reread Catch-22 and realized I missed out on how good it was the first time! I skimmed through it as a dumb teenager, and now that I am a dumb adult, I'm feeling all sorts of ways about things about it!