Comma Marries Your Mom

And if we merge True Detective and True Blood, we'd be coming out ahead!

Shut out for New Girl eh?

I just want to be the first to call this RACIST, somehow.

…and soon to be sentient?

I think I need to start dusting off my AOL account.


I wanted him to rot in jail!

In the end I was a bit disappointed. Molly and Malvo never met, and Lester shouldn't have died. He should have been arrested and humiliated, like in the original movie. God I'll miss this show.

Well, in a way, they're all winners. But in another, more accurate way, "Rixty Minutes" is going to be the winner.

It doesn't matter who will end up on the throne. At the end that comet comes and kills everyone.

Also set during Christmastime?

I quite enjoyed her first book! Glad this is happening.

Yeah Ryan took a turn for the dark. Snarky but harmless Ryan was the best.

I guess I'll go with the first that popped into my head: Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.

I once had to reschedule my appointment with the Ghanian consulate representative to apply for a visa there because of the World Cup, so I guess it's not a US thing.

That's what I thought…Thanks!

Ok here's the dumb question…is this weekend a holiday in the States or something?

Oh we watched that too, at the end of the unit. It was met with raucous laughter.

I consider "33" to be the pilot. Funny story I watched the entire series on a summer vacation in China one year, and didn't even realize until I got back that there was a miniseries prequel. So I watched that one after.

What about BSG or West Wing?