Comma Marries Your Mom

I don't look for plot so much in sitcom season finales as a good CLIFFHANGER!

We can all just sit back and wait for the lawsuits to roll in…

Oh man. I definitely had that on a mix CD in high school. I thought that scar would have healed over by now.

Finally, parents can know exactly what to buy that will be guaranteed to scar their kids for life, and get it over with already.

Yeah. Family vacation is a staple of season finales (Modern Family anyone?). But it's also an odd one because it's only episode 23 I believe. Usually seasons end on 24.

I was reading these comments last night and legitimately had to be like, "Wait, who's Abby?"

Yes! Nick has always been more interested, 100%.

This is the Internet, after all.

I'm still waiting for Z is for Zombie to be green-lit.

Nautical puns are just the lowest form of humour.

I took it to mean he had a nightmare of making out with himself, and making out with Nick. Though neither of those would be a nightmare in my books!

I wasn't super impressed by this episode. As a good hang out episode with the gang, I liked it, but as a season finale? Not so much. No plot was really advanced (how many iterations of Nick and Jess learning to be fine with the break up are we going to see?), and we had a solid hang-out episode last week.

"C'mon Bart! We're going to sneak into an R rated movie!"
"It's called Barton Fink!"
"Barton Fink! Barton Fink!"

Not YET, if you take the long view. Whereas Gotham has one season, two, tops.

"I make my own luck."

Grosse Point Blank or GTFO.


He catches Joe Chill just like he promised Bruce Wayne, and the man goes to jail for life. Bruce Wayne shakes his hand at his high school graduation, and goes to law school like a regular rich kid.

Jim Gordon vows to clean up the streets of Gotham??

I am as happy as Jess watching Coach watching Winston yawn!!!