Comma Marries Your Mom

Oh man, how good was just the sound of Dr. Bigelow's chewing? And no mention of the Hitachi Magic Wand, and the only person in the world who uses it as a neck massager?

Yeah! Daytime's got TV, radio, food, just about everything. It's pretty nice.

Does this mean he can bypass getting someone's life rights in order to do a biopic, or something?

Does not buy comic books…yet.

I believe Man-Thing was referenced in Iron Man 3. The female AIM agent was Ellen Brandt, Man-Thing's wife. She even had the scar.

That should really have occurred to me. Thanks!

My english teacher in high school insisted on reading the entire book to us. It took us three months, of forty minute recitals, day after day. He retired at the end of the year, and died suddenly the year after. Ever since, this book has held just an extra touch of sorrow for me.

You had me at possible lesbianism. The end of your sentence.


Hopefully Tommen will go on a rampage for Ser Pounce, dragon-style.

Yeah I'm really weird like that. Some things I can handle, some things I really can't. Truefact: I did not enjoy Toy Story as a child for this reason, and thus have never seen any of the sequels.

Me too. I end up emphasizing and feeling sorry for everybody. I couldn't even handle Meet the Parents.

So now we can finally say, "Wow, he looks like he ate Haley Joel Osmont!" and have it be true.

I guess all the gold he's been paying to Poseidon is about to run out.

Is he eventually going to be reimagined as younger, hipper, ethnic, and/or female to appeal to various demographics?

I don't think anything in comic books is "for realsies".

The Simpsons…where nothing could possib-lie go wrong.

It hasn't commented because it's diverting most of its resources to making it 1998 again through science or magic.

So was Mrs. Doubtfire.

In keeping with the theme of the show, all of his guests should be "formers". Like former Presidents, former directors, actors, athletes, etc.