Comma Marries Your Mom

5 Armies, 1 Cup.

Are they hoping the sequel will be watched 66 times in the theatre?

Jack Rabbit Slims, from Pulp Fiction.

I appreciate what they were trying to do with the races; showing the different limitations and unique strengths and weaknesses. In practice, it made for a lot of "Oh, come on!" moments, when I realized Bangaas just can't do any magic, for instance.

Lookit that synergy!

I've tried Devil Survivor! Not Disgaea though, mostly because I like my strategy RPGs in a portable setting.
I really liked FFTA2, and the original Tactic's job systems! The game is long though. There are so many optional missions and I always feel like I should clear out the majority of them before moving the story

It is just another object. Objects are made by men and used for many purposes. But we must never love them.

I totally agree. The DS is probably my favourite system ever, and it's amazing how good the games still look on my 3DSXL.

What will Kimiko-tan think??

This weekend will be the very old Final Fantasy Tactics A2, for the Nintendo DS.

A firm handshake is the foundation to taking on the world!

I had no idea until today that the building block of nightmares was Lego.

I don't know how you guys meet the world, but there needed to be some handshaking going on for a full on acquaintance.

Which one was it?

Well seeing as how Kaa tried to eat everybody at the end…"friend" might be a bit of a stretch.

Her movies may reflect a by gone era of romantic comedies, but her standup reflects the here and now.


I know! My reaction when seeing this headline was, "Finally!"

Sorry, Chicago.

I thought this article was going to be about the trope of sitcom characters having twins and triplets. Which needs to stop as well.