
I keep thinking about the "Garol" scene from Season 1 and how there has been nothing as fun or out-of-nowhere like that in Season 2 — scenes like that were all over the place in the first season.

If you look at some of the plots in Season 1, they were absurdist but also very much a part of the world everyone lives in — the lockout, with the disgusting locksmith, touches on the fact that getting locked out of your apartment in NYC suuuuuucks and then takes it a million steps further. When Ilana hooks up with

Yes, exactly! You said it so much better than I did.

I totally agree. I feel so let down by Season 2. I know the AV Club loves the show no matter what (reviewer and the commenters), but if you watch episodes from Season 2 and compare them to Season 1, there is a huge difference in quality. For Season 2, every episode except for "Knockoffs" has felt choppy and off. The