
Nope its not, she shot a few more scenes that I assume we will see in the season finale and then her arch is over. Alycia has clearly stated on Twitter that she is no longer part of the show.

You're right it is a trait, but an important one. Lexa's sexuality didn't define who she was.

That doesn't even make sense. Her character happened because she was commander and she was brave it had nothing to do with sexuality. The show is not and should not be a mouthpiece, it needs to tell a story. Period.

AMC gave Jason permission to use the star of their new show for a finite amount of time. Most studios will not let their leads shoot another show on another network regardless if shooting schedules work. She is under contract with AMC period.

Lost Girl, if you want to watch a show with strong lesbian characters and relationships watch Lost Girl. Personally I watch it because it's a good show, but if you need a show based on who they loveā€¦

This a show that showed a 12 year old jump to her death, did you expect it pretty wrapped in a bow.

But the Twitter and Tumblr crowd have taken it too far. What show runner is going to want to tackle a storyline like this knowing if they write it and the community doesn't agree they will be facing serious backlash.

No it's not. The whole point of the 100 is that society has evolved from past prejudices of race and gender.

AMC gave Jason permission to use her and they gave it for a certain amount of time. They don't want the star of their new show on another network. She already shot some extra scenes for an upcoming episode and then her arch is done.

That's bulks**t, this show kills off everyone not just the lesbian character. With that logic why the hell would any show runner write a lesbian character for fear of making the viewers upset if they didn't like the direction they were taking.

AMC gave him permission. She is under contract with them and regardless of shooting scheduled AMC does not want the star of their show on another network.