
but the thing is she almost did get murdered
desi's a piece of shit but he's not wrong

I liked what he did with Charlie earlier, but I suppose he didn't. That Charlie was needy and put-upon, with a subtle anger from being Marnie's doormat. That rang very true.

when Charlie asked Marnie if the last few years could be wiped away. she let herself get lost in the fantasy because she was already so lost in her life.

their kid would be so screwed up because of its parents

Adam has found time to balance his big screen success with the show that elevated him there. Work ethic and loyalty, it's like he's from the military.

I love Broad City, but I'm willing to bet that parties from both shows would be disappointed with people pitting them against one another, because their respective successes are a boon to what all are trying to accomplish.

dear galaxy scribe
you are years past the memo that Dunham knows she doesn't conform to conventional beauty standards, and her nudity is a political act. if it were Allison getting naked that often, we wouldn't see the same complaints.

hey, that white christian woman could be your white kate moss tonight

there are two types of Girls viewers
the ones who laugh
the ones who turn up their noses at Lena for trying to make us laugh

I can't tell if Ray is sabotaging his own chance at happiness, or being such a gentleman so as to honor the woman he loves.

She bathed in a stream and dried by running through a field.
Jessa can grow, but luckily some things never change.

the irony is that Jessa is perhaps now at her most selfless, while harboring desire for her best friend's ex. it's like she can't escape being a bad friend. I'm feeling Jessa and Adam though…I still expect the show to return him to Hannah, but they're a surprisingly good fit.

that and the white christian woman heritage line, Girls is so meta with the self-deprecation, I love it

she's not even trying to charge him with rape, and I'm not saying he did. but it is suspect that his lawyers are angling that she's making it up for profit, when it's clearly hurting her.

she isn't trying to charge him with assault, but simply to be released from the contract. his lawyers are making the case that since she didn't report the alleged assault at the time, it never happened and she's making it up to smear his reputation and renegotiate her contract. even though she's stopped recording and

Best is BatmanvSuperman trailer where he takes Wonder Woman's place.

Injecting a little fun into the gritty realism…guess they're learning from Marvel.

well you have to contextualize things.
and examine blackface and brownface in their circumstances.
except for Robert Downey jr. in Tropic Thunder.

sarcasm? it needs to be identified.

now, the show has featured a great many black men since
who have a perfect rate of survival