Shaq's funny points per statement average would be way higher if he could hit free throws.
Shaq's funny points per statement average would be way higher if he could hit free throws.
And "hundredth" is probably understating substantially.
Brian Blessed's laugh is an impossible combination of every heavy weapon ever invented.
I'm offended by the incongruous imagery. A battle-ax does not boom, and an object that booms doesn't typically have any sort of striking edge. In summary, what the fuck kind of laugh is that supposed to be?
Interestingly, Danny Boyle looks like the quiet, introverted character who gets falsely accused of being a kidnapper in a boiler-plate thriller.
"Anytime, Anyplace" is a pretty damn perfect "get intimate" song.
Unfortunately, "attracting clicks" is what pays the writers. The more in-depth articles and features on AVC have been dwindling for a few years now. And the site full of ex-AVC staff that specialized in such articles, focusing on film, died a relatively quick death. I get annoyed with the buzzfeed bullshit too, but I…
John Q. Assassin: You know, I was pretty indifferent to Donald Trump, but then I saw that Snoop Dogg video and thought, hey, there's an idea…
I can't see the article when I scroll down to the comments section in the old format either. In the old format I had to scroll up to get back to the article. In this one I have to click to expand or contract the comments section. Same "issue," different way of resolving it, each requiring relatively minimal effort.
No really folks. Just click the arrows. One extra click and things are as they were.
Count me as one that doesn't hate the idea behind this new commenting format. But the execution has been spotty and poor at best. Some articles haven't had the comments pop up at all. Gotta work on that, folks.
I mean, you just expand the window with the little arrows next to the "X", right?
More lube, homey.
His eyes and smile there give off that post-stabbing, "See now? You do see, don't you? What I've been trying to show you all along," vibe of murderous bliss.
They're all Chris Knight from Real Genius
Fans are going to be Hela mad about this.
Ah yes, Goldblum in the true form of the Pullout King.
I think it's his chin. It's off chin-ter, you might say.
First off, don't name your disaster movie after a tin-box-on-wheels 90's hatchback.