Oscar Medina

This review seems to be ignoring the fact that next episode is the music video challenge, which really put Kim Chi in a hard place moving forward in the competition.

And the winner is…

Considering the remaining queens, I think that Violet is the one with the most chances to take the crown, muddled now by her porn video being outed…

This elimination is the biggest travesty this show has been able to pull out. I'm still very flasaydah about it.

It has been implied that she gave up her physical form in order to bring Steven to life… That's quite motherly.

Where's Rose Quartz (or even the Crystal Gems), from Steven Universe?

Did anyone noticed that she referred to 'Girls' as 'NEW Girls'?

What about Billy and Brenda, from 'Six Feet Under'?

It's really great that this show is getting coverage! It's one amazing program that deserves more recognition.

I think the show abused our suspension of disbelief by not making Patrick a raging bottom, albeit that's just temporary

If it's true that Greta Gerwig is set to star 'How I Met your Dad' in CBS, she will collapse the hipster space–time continuum as we know it

The Dana storyline is really saddening… I mean, it's so cruel to make us believe she's about to get killed, only to make her survive somehow destroying all hope left for this show

I don't recall if I read in this review the fact that Leo is very possibly a murderer. It's so cruel that the show keeps putting Dana in peril just to make her survive just to annoy everyone.

I actually think Claudette was committed because of the Slavery charges, not for the murder (which is probably why she wanted to stay in prison, out of guilt).

The worst adaptation choice for the episode has to go to Jaime reuniting with Cersei this early… It should have to take place as depicted in the books for a more powerful (and creepy)  moment.

Scotty's not a stalker, he's obsessive- american!