Chris the Blue

Back from the past. Samurai Jack.

Good ol Egg

Potter Puppet Pals and New Kids on the Rock are my favourite webseries on the internet.
But Toy Food was the first song of his I heard, and oh God did it make an impact on me.

It's been said before, but a serious and sad episode about how shit the Waitress' life is could be awesome.

What's that?
Dog grave.

I wouldn't have wanted Dennis Jr's story to have ended any other way.

Anyone else disappointed that Cricket didn't get some sort of horrible disfigurement this season?

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who gets sad whenever they see the bangs gone.
I was so happy when it made a comeback in 'Suburbs'.

Her milkshakes brought all the Gang to her bench.

Not to mention when Dee, of all people, starts cranking out milkshakes. That was a real kneeslapper for me.
And Mac with the plate. CRASH!

The dinner scene had me laughing my ass off. Even in an imaginary event, the Gang can't help but be crass and disorderly.

Yep. That last episode is pretty much definite proof that it's not platonic.
I'm just sad they didn't kiss, but count your blessings, y'know

The most satisfying part of this episode was the part where the Lawyer gets his eye pecked off. I never thought his hatred of the Gang was justified, unlike Rickety Cricket, who even seems to be on goodish terms with them.
It didn't help that he was always picking on Charlie.

Remember when he started crying over Mirage and Ironhide's fight?

Sky-Byte was amazing.

Damn. Before this episode aired, I was thinking, 'This show is pretty dark. At least Tammy and Birdperson seem pretty happy.' And then this came out. The more I watched this episode, the more worried I got that something terrible was going to happen, and what do you know, it did..