
The goal was not to convince Daenarys but Cersei.

The only thing I can say about the leaked episode (it is not a spoiler because the episode does not speak about that at all) is that the theory that Tyrion is a Targaryen should be now considered dead. This is not a spoiler, again, but speculation from something that happens and then if you think about it it destroys

That's exactly the opposite of what happened: HBO wanted more episodes, they did not.

I don't really understand your suggestion, it's not very different and in fact what happens in the episode makes more sense in terms of motivation.

Well, Staline - Hitler, you can make the case.

I would like to have more context about the Others (sorry I prefer the real original name) and their motivations and what they want to achieve beside that they are evil monsters. But yes they are obviously bad people since they kill everybody they meet.

They can't do more episodes than 10 in a year. Technically it's impossible.
Why they cut to 7 and 6 has nothing to do with budget and salaries since it's the showrunners decision, not HBO. They clearly want to finish it as quickly as possible and cut to the chase. Yes the new pacing creates many problems but it also

Illegal downloads.

Where can we speak about episode 6 because we really really need to speak about episode 6. I have no idea how I can wait until sunday without giving any spoilers. People are going to talk a lot about this episode.

I just saw the episode. Holy shit. I mean: holy fucking shit. This is like season 8 is already there.

According to GRRM, Westeros is the size of South America.

One thing was weird now that I think about it: Tarly said he refused to bend the knee because Dany is a foreign queen with no links to Westeros. But all the reason that she invaded Westeros is that she *is* the legitimate queen of Westeros, in fact the only one who can pretend to seat on the Iron Throne (until Jon is

She is clearly keeping it short on purpose. Also to look more like a man maybe and not like a woman.

Tyrion killed thousands of men with wildfire but is horrified when soldiers at war are killed by dragon fire. Dany is crazy because she executes an enemy leader who refuses to bend the knee and even insult her in front of everybody, even after she gave him a chance to redeem himself.
The show is trying to make us thing

But at least I am not an asshole like you.

Who presented people as monsters "just because they are non-Europeans" ?The Persians are the monsters because they are the bad guy in this movie, not because they are "non-Europeans". I am ethnically "non-European" by the way.

Godwin point, take it, you earned it.

Just a question: is it forbidden to present everybody as monsters or just non-European ?

I was joking. There is no nuance in this movie. But neither is there any ideological fascist undertone. This is a pure visual fiesta, with a loose "let's fight for democracy against the one who want to destroy it" (obviously, in the context of the movie and 2007, the islamists), and nothing more. This series about

Euron is of course lying. We never saw more than a few dozen ships and that's already a lot. And he did not teleport. We never saw him in Casterly Rock. I guess he separated his fleet in two, taking the bulk of it with him to the East coast of Westeros and the rest stayed to guard the Iron islands, they are very close