
I never heard of the comic book before watching the movie. I liked the movie. I then read the comic book and the only thing I saw was how close the movie was to the book but a few details like the ending. So I really really can't understand the book fans who hate the movie, I have never seen an adaptation so faithful

So the movie is in fact more nuanced than the way it is presented since showing Spartan as baby killers is not exactly the best way to promote them.

More "value" for what ? At the end of the day what counts is if you loved a movie not if the critics loved it.

So now 300 is a fascist movie ? I thought it was a LGTB movie.
I did not know that fighting for freedom and democracy and against oppression is fascist but why not. The victory of the Greeks (in particular Athens) against the Persian was one of the definitive moment upon which Western civilization was founded. Of

These lists are just nonsense, the personal taste of the guy who wrote it. It has no more value than anybody else.

If they like Olivier Assayas you can be sure they understand nothing about movies.

In the Middle Ages ? What about nowadays ? That's pretty common even today.

But why would we need mercenaries from Essos for the finish line ? I guess we will soon discover.

I think GRRM opinions, which I do not agree with for most of them, are much more relevant and based than yours, an internet troll who is only able of insulting people thinking differently.
GRRM is not writing wish fulfillment fantasy. That's exactly the point.

As even the actors and the director and the showrunners and the writers told - it was consensual. Anyway, raping Cersei is the least of any crime imaginable.

A dragon will die. But not in the first battle. In the climactic one.

Jaime did not rape Cersei and even if he did that's really not a problem, she deserves every evil possible. The problem with Jaime is that he has not arc, and no personality in the show.

How we watching the same show ? Danaerys is painted as a kind of Messiah and always right when in fact she is partly insane and on the verge of becoming a dictator. Of course she is better than Cersei, but what GRRM has been saying is that being good or a better person than the rest does not make you a good ruler,

Is it possible that the Golden Company is a way to shoehorn the fake Aegon storyline into the show ?

In the books it was Joffrey, in the show we do not know.

Never heard of it in my life, and can't even understand why this is so successful, not even good music.

Yes and he said it in this episode, that two trusting people told him about the undead.

No Baelish insisted he supports Joffrey. Renly asked Ned to support him and kill Joffrey immediately. Both ideas were bad, first because Joffrey, second because Stannis would have launched his war anyway with his smoke killer babies, but better than the choice Ned made - telling Cersei that he knew and telling Stannis

She will have to take the city anyway so the same innocent lives will be killed. Better sooner than later.

Dany is not taking King's Landing right away to save thousands of lives. That does not make any sense of course because:
1. She will have to take the city eventually and Cersei is not going to surrender.
2. Taking the city right away and killing/capturing Cersei would have ended the war immediately and spare the lives