
In the book they do launch an attack to retake Dragonstone where Loras is badly wounded and this is where things stand in the books.
In the show, we do not know exactly but there are two possibilities:
- Stannis took everybody with him but the Lannister did not bother retaking the castle, which sounds absurd.
- Stannis

I never even heard of Ed Sheeran before so I am happy it did not break anything for me.

Ok concluding. Whatever. At the end, they will deliver a complete story, and GRRM will not.

GRRM will not publish anything because he lost himself in his threads and has not way of getting out. Yes he is a better storyteller than them when it comes to attention to details, coherence, character motivations, realism, understanding of how politics and history work. But they are better than him at one thing -

Anachronistic how ? This is not Earth and this is not our history. In fact this happens in a world where they know what happened more or less 8000 years ago without archeology and genetics, which is much more than us. So in fact this is a very old world but still technologically backward, probably because of magic.

I don't love Rogue One. I am saying this is the second best movie of the 8 so far. The prequels are unwatchable garbage, Jedi is a remake of episode 4 with teddy bears, and episode 4 itself has mostly production values issues but is nice. I still prefer Rogue One. I don't think it's a great movie, just the second best

Rogue One was close in quality to Empire. I think it was the second best SW movie ever.

No it's not. In fact from what I saw the majority rejects it. R+L=J was obvious from book 1 and makes sense from the characters and how they behave. It was Ned having an affair that made no sense. Tyrion being a secret Targaryen comes from nowhere, the only reason is to have Tyrion ride a dragon. That would destroy

There is not even a chance in the world that Tyrion is a Targaryen. Apart from being a weak and stupid twist, it could destroy all the work around the relations between Tywin and Tyrion. And it's really stupid, but I guess I already said it.

Jaime is the obvious pick, from a storytelling point of view.

Well that's exactly what I would say to you. Have you any idea what happened in the past because clearly not. Do you know even the most basic facts about world history ? The idea that "white people" (whatever that means) did more awful things than others has nothing to do with reality. it's just an ideological and

In fact I am, and clearly you are not.

I am racist for denouncing racism ? You are insane.

Logan was bland and generic. It was even more generic than MCU movies. It was the usual "child with powers that must flee some government/corporation guys on his way to some place that means salvation".

WW is having very good results overall but it's making less than it could in overseas. On the other hand, Fast and Furious 8 or Transformers 5 are making much more overseas than in the USA, relatively.
So maybe the idea that the masses of Americans are dumb while the other countries are smarter is not so true (and I

I do not agree. They are maybe slightly less but still very liberals.

I am Jewish.

The twist was indeed that, and also that there was no twist in the narrative itself, like the most obvious red herring being that it was all in the girl's head or that she was the real personality of Mac Avoy or something like that.

I did not like Logan. Another road movie about a father figure trying to protect a young girl with superpowers from some big corporation. I felt like I had seen this movie 10 times already, with just a little twist that it happens in the X-Men universe. I really can't understand the praise.

Oh please. They control 80% of the mainstream media. CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, the NYT, the Washington Post etc… This is not even a debate. Nobody but the most extreme left would be contesting that.