
The cultural establishment yes: they control the media, the universities, the big cities…

Something else. Prestige TV in the USA has this weird tendency to have to show a lot of nudity, and the more we see genitals, in particular male genitals, it is supposed to be so edgy and avant-garde or something. Having been a kid in the 80s in Europe, where nudity was everywhere, in particular in TV ads, including

Twin Peaks is for me the biggest disappointment since this is not Twin Peaks at all but some weird post 2000 Lynch experience. It's pure nonsense and in fact awfully bad but because it's Lynch it's supposed to be pure genius.

I love strategy games. Can someone recommend some good games for PS4 ? Thanks

Are all Lynch fans so moronic ? Are you so insecure that you can't handle criticism ? Complaining that the third season of TP has almost nothing to do with what most people loved in TP is a very basic and legitimate criticism. I have nothing against Lynch, I tend to prefer his work from the 80s and much less what he

The genius of the architect scene was that he was basically saying to all the teenagers and morons who thought they were revolutionaries and against the system that their revolt was a vital piece of the system. They were the useful idiots in the most basic meaning. And sadly this went nowhere in the third movie.

I tried. It was very well acted, high production values, quality TV. I hated it. The story may have been relevant a few decades ago, but today, in a dechristianized America (and Western world), when the religion that does oppress women and kills and mutilate is Islam, this is not just ridiculous, this is plain

I was 13 in 1987, and loved the movie and loved everything Arnie. Some of his best movies came after (Total Recall, T2 and Last action Hero), so he was really not getting old.

This is the third season of Twin Peaks, so I was expecting, like most people,… the third season of Twin Peaks, not some weird Lynchian nonsense that has almost nothing to do with Twin Peaks.
The "if you do not like it don't watch it" argument is the weakest on the roll. I can do it also: If you do not like criticism do

Thank you for your utterly stupid and irrelevant answer. That tells us everything we needed to know about you.

"This is for David Lynch fans, not Twin Peaks fans"

I tried to watch Sense8, I did not like it. Some people did, good for them, but apparently most people have a different taste and there are not enough people who think it is good.
Reminds me a little of Spartacus, when most people saw it for what it was: a soft porn violent series but a few people insisted it was very

Easy - what did it not answer ?

It answered almost anything. Easy - tell me what was not answered.

Yes the Lost ending was excellent and answered all the things we needed to be answered (in fact almost everything).

It was the perfect time on the contrary, he needed to hear this story and not thing she had been there for all these 15 years not trying to contact him.

Nora lies all the time, in fact more than most other people.

Maybe it was not, maybe it was, in case you missed all the subtext about lies that are good stories in the episode itself.

I will never understand the people who hated the Lost finale. The series answered almost everything and was emotionally fantastic.

Can I say that I did not like this season and I found it boring ? I loved seasons 1 and 2 but this has been downhill since then, still good, but not must-see TV as it used to be.