
The theory that Jesus had a doppelganger is what Muslims believe happened. So not a little forgotten theory, no.

Did anybody notice that this is 7 years since the Great Departure in the world of the Leftovers, and 7 years since the end of Lost in the real world ? Coincidence or did Lindelof do that in purpose ?

"face the justice system of that country."

Yes she is and has been since day one, like Philipp. This is the genius of the show, we see it from the vantage point of the bad guys. Because they are the bad guys, make no mistakes, they are serial killers working for a murderous totalitarian regime, one of he worst in human history.

I like the Americans, but The Leftovers is really better.

Nice to meet you.

Trump is bad but the exaggerations and insanity of the accusations make him looks good. That's all. Like when the anti-Obama crowd was saying he was an Islamist or something.

You know England in the 50s, the USA a few decades ago. What ? Even facts are now offensive to the left ?

"noting that the epochal texts of modern nerd culture—Hyperion, Ender’s Gamei Lord of the Rings— “focus on predominately white characters"

It's like you really really want to prove my point.

"given the on-the-nose villainy of the Trump administration"

The French in the credit by the way was said by a guy who was obviously not French and had no idea what he was saying. He was speaking about the 7 years after the event or something like that.

Well that's just you because I do love what you cal Lindelof's worst impulses and all of Lost.

Charles Aznavour who is still alive is one of the greatest French singers of all time and a big star in many countries.

Also: how did the First Order, with just a fraction of the ressources of the Empire, succeeded in building such a weapon that the Empire would have had problems creating ?
All this Starkiller nonsense is what killed the movie. Without it, it could have been decent.

The flaw is not just that. It's the weapon beam travelling tru half the galaxy in seconds, it's seeing it and the planets destroyed, and in real time, from another part of the galaxy, it's the starkiller planet being livable while not a real planet anymore and "eating" an entire star. It completely took me out of the

Enlarging the SW universe, not everyone connected to the Skywalker family, new plots and new stories. They failed miserably in execution, writing, acting, characters building, production and direction of course.

Rogue One was the best SW movie after ESB. The Force Awakens succeeded in all the things that the prequels failed and failed in all the things that the prequels succeeded. Overall it was better than them but not a great movie.

I hate Paige. Someone needs to shoot her already.

This would have been a great idea.