
Let's put it exactly as it is: 140 millions people disappeared, 3 times the number of dead of WW2. 6.4 millions Americans. 27 millions Chinese. This is huge.

For the record - I loved Lost ending. And I love this show. This is the true heir of Lost.

So I am going to be in minority here but I was very disappointed by this episode. The bad guy happens to be also the guy who rapped this other girl from another town who decided to come live here by chance and became friend with his wife, what a fucking coincidence. At the end he is dead, all the women who hated each

I am late but a few observations before the finale:
- I can't stand Bonnie, she is the worst. She should be with Perry.
- If my daughter intended to sell her virginity online, I would not react as calmly as her father.
- I sincerely hope that Perry is not the rapist and Ziggy's father but all the clues lead to him. That

Completely disagree, this is a great movie, one of the best of the last decade. The Sci Fi twist is not at the ending at all, it's two third into the movie, the twist ending is the Christian Bale thing (that I absolutely did not see coming like most people kudos for you).
The complicated structure is fantastic, not a

One of the best TV episode I ever saw.

The first season is excellent but not for the depressed or you will commit suicide. Some episodes are quite fantastic like the third that is the Leftover's version of Lost's Walkabout.

I liked AOTC when I saw it in a theater (not today), for me the deal breaker was Revenge of the Sith, at the beginning, the horrible, video-game looking space battle. I was watching BSG at the time, with 1% of the budget of SW they did stunningly beautiful space battle. And the rest of the movie was a disaster.

Of course it is very possible. Christianity is disappearing everywhere and Muslim extremists are on the rise everywhere, but yes it is so much very possible. I mean Trump is an agnostic, his daughter is Jewish, his son in law who is apparently running everything is an Orthodox Jew, but yes, really, fundamentalist

Supernatural accepts an Hollywood version of a very dumbed down and populist heretic/gnostic Christian God. This has more or less nothing to do with real Christian and even less Jewish mythology - but the use of some names.

Not that the Marvel movies are any better. They are super formulaic, silly, even childish, and very forgettable. But they are fun. The DC movies are less formulaic, less childish, and less forgettable. But they are also very silly and not fun.
So for someone like me who has no particular taste for super hero movies,

As someone who grew up watching Japanese children's programs - yes they are very weird. And you should check the dictionary to learn what the word "racist" means - apparently not what you think it means.

Never heard of Aubrey Plaza before this show. Do not think she is particularly good in it (she is ok, nothing spectacular) and not particularly good looking either. So I really can't understand what everybody is talking about.

So it could be in the 90s, but the general look is the 70s while D3 has technologies we still do not have in 2017 (the screens for example). Are these a clue that something is wrong or just an aesthetic choice ?

Why a Bernie Sanders type ? He is supposed to be a good guy, not evil.

Oliver is clearly from the 70s not the 60s. The outside world looks like a mix between the 70s and our time so it's difficult to say.

I dream of living in a world where a man is innocent until proven otherwise. And where people who are not part of the investigations and know nothing of the cases just shut their mouth.

Why the hatred for this Max Landis ? I saw few movies and none divisive or particularly bad.

Why are American leftists so unable to respond to criticism ? I am not American, I speak with left-wingers from all over the western world all the time, only the Americans lose all their shit when attacked.

So apparently this is not a case of whitewashing but on the opposite of Chinese racist nationalism. But apparently they are allowed to be racists and nationalists. Like everybody else. Only white westerners are not (and I am not a white westerner). Dear progressives, self-hating and self-depricating yourself is not a