
Haywire ??!!?? That was one of the worst movies I ever saw.

I want to thank all of you for your extraordinary answers that are even beyond my wildest dreams. I mean, I have many left-wing friends and they say exactly the same thing as I do but here apparently I found a nest of crazy hysterical extremist nutjobs who can't even understand that cheapening the memory of the nazi

People who see nazis everywhere and in particular in a democratically elected and law abiding government (that's just a fact, not an endorsement) are no different than Holocaust deniers. They are basically doing the same thing. Because if Trump is Hitler and his government is nazism, well, that was not so horrible

You have no idea how many people I know did not like Rogue One because there was no Jedi in it and so "it was not a real SW movie". I think Rogue One was the best SW movie after ESB.

Lost ended very well, it was maybe one of the best finale I ever saw.

This was bad, but as bad as it was this season was still better than season 3.

It was the best episode since season 2, but that's not saying a lot.

Movies do not make money only with ticket sales. They also have the DVDs/legal streaming revenue, and the international television market, mainly. Many movies make much more money post-tickets.

I watched the first movie, it was really bad. I started watching the second movie in a plane, I had no other choice - I stopped after 30 mn. Never saw something so stupid, boring and just awful.

For some reasons 2016 reminds me of the Final Destination movies.

Only racists care about the color skin of actors. That's the point. So it's racist to say that a movie is boring because the actors are whites. It's entirely irrelevant for any sane person.

You are strong with straw man argument and false analogies, but still wrong about everything.

Even if they do it (which they don't, by the way) it's only for use inside their field, and the AVClub forums are not a sociologist publication.

Thank you for confirming that you are insane.

I will say that the next time someone complains against racism or sexism. You speak exactly like the white supremacists.

I wish I was still young and single enough to do it but sadly no.

If writing the same thing about blacks, asians or any race or ethnicity is racism, this is racism. The progressive left is as racist as the white supremacists. Everybody knows it but themselves.

Thank you for proving my point (by the way I am not exactly white, but who cares).

Yes of course, that's not. Now let's write the same thing about black actors.

Racism has NOTHING to do with "institutional power". You are not entitled to invent your own definitions.