
Seriously are people on the American left so insane that they believe that Trump, a registered Democrat, a friend of the Clintons, a fucking businessman that the whole world has known for 30 years as a TV reality guy obsessed with himself and making money and nothing else, whose daughter and grandchildren are Jewish,

I have only seen her in the Hunger Games and the X-Men movies. In these movies she was just awful, absolutely miscast. In the Hunger Games, completely transparent. No idea why people think she is a great actress or even beautiful (good looking, no more).

"Sure, they’re both whiter than Wonder Bread, but"

Well they should. And I am sure that before they start episodes 10-12 they will remake the prequels.

One of the best SW movies, probably just under ESB. The main negative point was using the same actor to play Bail Organa than in the prequels, meaning that the "new" SW recognizes that the prequels existed, at least indirectly.

I must admit that I did like BsV a little bit. I think it was not much worse, and even better sometimes, than Captain America, who had most of the same flaws but was supposedly "fun". Also I do not like superheroes movies in general so maybe that explains it.

For me the dark parts are that :
- It may be a con, we have no proof that the people are really uploaded after death and that they are not just a simulation of the real person for the "tourists" to see when they come. In fact, this is probably the most logical explanation.
- If it's true it means never knowing what

So everybody gives his own list that everybody else does not give a shit about it, so why not me ? Because I did not watch enough shows for it to mean anything.
Anyway a few thoughts:
- I do not understand the love for Stranger Things. It was nice, very good nostalgia piece, excellent feel of a 80s movie, but

Thank you for proving that progressives are indeed the fascists everybody else think they are.

Yes, Israel also, even in Europe, many in France.

I know many pro-Trump non-Americans.

The funniest thing regarding the criticism of Lost is that the show DID answer almost all the mysteries. It's just that many people were or too dumb to understand (check the number of people who still think "they were dead all along"), or were disappointed by the answers, which is legitimate. But they did answer

The obvious parallel is videogames and MMORPG. People do exactly these kinds of things (rape not so much of course) in these games. Now I do not think that in a real world Westworld people would behave like they do on the show, because first, they are cameras everywhere, then indeed the realism of the hosts would push

Genetics, epigenetics and environment do not write your decisions and decide for you, they are just a set of conditions that limit your choices (and you can even overcome them if you really want).

Maybe but Bernard depicts exactly what she did and what she is going to do up to the train according to the program. And she does it. He stops here so we do not know if leaving the train to search for her "daughter" was also part of the program or on the opposite the first real independent choice.

So you missed the part where we discovered that all the Maeve escape story was a program. And the hosts still did exactly what Ford wanted them to do. He programmed the uprising, they did not decide anything.

We are supposed to empathize with the hosts over the "horrible" treatment they get from the guests but I must admit it does not work. They are fucking robots. The guests do not know that they potentially have "consciousness", and even the show acknowledges that it is only a very small minority of them. And at the end

You think killing humans is the same as killing animals. Killing animals is genocide, but killing humans is just retribution for what they did. Of course the real question is why don't you commit suicide and be logical with yourself ?

Murdering people is always wrong. And if the hosts think killing random people for no reasons is good they are also the bad guys.

People who think humans and animals are equal usually tend to treat humans as animals also. And you just proved it again.