
The trick at the end was that they were twins. The machine and what it does was revealed in the middle of the movie. It was not a twist.

It's about obsession and sacrifice. One of the keys is the fake old Chinese magician at the beginning of the movie (by the way, a true story, and the real story was even crazier since they guy was also faking being Chinese) - even when he is not on stage he still behaves as if he is an old weak man. He plays his part

By the way the reveal of the final twist occurs much sooner in the movie, at the beginning, when Borden does a trick involving making a bird disappear and then reappear somewhere else and a kid guess that "it's his brother". It's there, at the beginning of the movie, in plain sight, and we did not see it.

This is maybe the best movie of the last decade, and with no doubt the best Nolan movie. Incredible movie.

The books maybe but GRRM has very little to do with the show now.

I am a bit late but have we been watching the same show ? When Reagan speaks of an Empire of Evil and the camera is focused on Elisabeth, it was clear that the meaning was these people are evil.
And they are. Elisabeth in particular. They torture and kill and manipulate and ruin lives just to,protect their ass and a

Fascism is a left wing ideology. it was created by former members of the Italian socialist party. It places the State above all, negated the individual - it is very like socialism and communism. Some call it "right-wing socialism". Anyway socialism and communism have much more in common with fascism and nazism than

The fact is you are the one who lacks historical knowledge and just regurgitates communist propaganda.
"Every single capitalist nation has also led to mass murder and genocide"

Communism is by nature totalitarian and *always* leads to mass murders and when it can - genocide. It's not only true in theory it's what happened empirically in all cases of communist regimes. All of them. Communism is much closer to nazism than to anything else. Nazism was also a socialist ideology.
Conservatism is

The analogy would be "nazi", not conservative. You know, ideologies that created totalitarian States that murdered dozen of millions of people because of who they were (ethnicity, religion, pseudo-social class). So no I don't think this is particularly conservative, just common sense and decency.

It means that since this movie seems to support a non-leftist/"liberal" point of view it is bad hence the B-.

So you agree with me.

Apparently most of the polls say like me.

The problem is that only the liberals think what you said and they would never vote for the Republicans anyway.
In the meantime the Republicans have won every elections in the last years, which had not happen in decades if ever. And the number of people identifying with the Democrats is falling all the time.
In fact the

I can't see Clinton winning against anybody not even Trump.

I am exactly the audience since I played the game in the first place and do not hate it at all (I was just bored), contrary to over 99% of the population. So if I am not not inclined to watch it, I doubt many among the other 99% will. The core fans are not enough to make this movie a success.

It's so obvious this movie is going to fail that I can't understand how this was greenlighted. I played WoW (just one month in 2005, I stopped because it was so boring and I never liked multiplayer games) and I will never watch this, it looks awful and stupid.

"Liberals" are already so far in the insanity realm that there is no hope for them. Of course, they are not liberals at all, on the contrary, they represent the exact opposite of liberal values, but whatever.

"BTW, I'm being 100% serious and sincere here."

Of course the very liberal and politically correct Academy shuns movies for being about gays and lesbians… Very convincing. On the contrary, a movie promoting gay equality has usually a better chance at being nominated than another movie of the same quality.