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    2:1 odds Pam develops a coke problem this season.

    Aw, not Fat Mike 2, too.

    Could be. Or maybe they're just estranged?


    I think it'd be funny if it was Ron Cadillac.

    I can't recall that ever being established, but I may be wrong. We also have no idea whether Archer's father is dead or alive, either. It's kinda thin, but here's why I think Archer and Cyril have the same father:

    Everyone behaves themselves when he's in charge.

    Just throwing this out there but. . . Does anyone think it'll be revealed that Archer and Cyril are half brothers at some point? I just have a feeling.

    There might be a new one starting next week, for all we know. Maybe this was the final spy opening; it happened before the reveal of 'Archer Vice,' after all.

    By the way, is it murder if they were my own clones?

    Totally. Looks like we're gonna be seeing Ramon Limon and the gay hit squad again!

    Speechless. . . Can't wait to find out where Malory got the blow from.