Adam Reith

Osment was such a cute kid in "AI" … now he's a short fat little toad. For similar reason it's not a good idea to go to 40 year high school reunions

" Showrunner Alec Berg … pointing out that in the real world Pied Piper would be able to sell its tech in a heartbeat, the team would become millionaires … "
No, they don't — only in a hollywood scriptwriter's fevered dreams. Most startups fail. Go lookup "Survivorship cognitive bias".

Recent article in Wall St Journal — CEO Robert Iger is 110% committed to "franchises" meaning that we'll see nothing but relentlessly marketed "tie ins" between merchandise, movies, and park attractions.
Any creativity or uniqueness will purely secondary or tertiary.

Dinoland's thrill ride was originally called "Dinosaur!", and after a few years it was renamed "Countdown to Extinction". IIRC, nothing inside or outside actually changed, except for the name.

Why are the Fairies are so sadistic & malevolent — removing people's body parts. How can they even exist after magic is "gone" ??
I hope Margo gets her eye back, and Fen gets her toes returned.

In the beginning, when Big Bang's Sheldon & Leonard were apparently just post-docs (who generally are paid very poorly) they were living in some giant, trendy apartment that appeared to have grand views of the Renaissance style, Pasadena city hall. Virtually impossible on 2 post-docs' salaries.
Even more improbable

Romero took a big gamble by pumping gas into his car, with a security cam recording him Pumping your own gas is illegal in Oregon (and NJ).

All the talk between Gabriel and Claudia discussing "concerns about Philip" and how he "knows so much" make me think Claudia (or the "Center") might order an assassination of at least Philip, and maybe Elizabeth too.

Eric Broussard — I think.

Maybe they're "real" but not biological — instead, intelligent machines that took over their own homeworld.

Redhats = analog of Nazi rank & file soliders ??
Blackjacks = analog of "elite" S.S. ??

When Marion Crane starts smashing Sam Loomis's car, all I could think of was the John Goodman character in "Big Lebowski" smashing the _wrong_ car.
Kept waiting for one of the Loomis's neighbors running out & yelling "WTF are you doing?!"

IMO, True consciousness would require an "inner mental life" , "sense of agency", and self-awareness that no simulation can have … just as simulating a nuclear explosion in a computer — which the weapons developers actually rely on — doesn't make the computer blow up.

Amazon has Season 1 available for streaming @ no extra cost for prime members, bu their typical running time is 42-43 minutes, so I fear those are the shortened & edited AMC versions for the USA.

"… wannabe authoritarian POTUS with a collaborationist Congress that is leading our country into a dark period…"

OK, figured it out.
Helena Mattsson is the Swedish-American actress portraying dentist-Malvo's very hot blond wife (or fiance).

Lester needs to look up Walter White's "vacuum cleaner repairman".
But Lester has no where near Walter's $ resources to begin anew.