Kevin Peterson

Considering Halo 1 did the lan thing even bigger, I wouldn't say goldeneye is a last gasp. Not that far from it tho. Halo 1 came 4 years later and did not have online, just lan and splitscreen, and A LOT of people had Halo lan parties. Halo 2 is where the online started, but Halo 1 is definitely a true lan multiplayer

To be fair, they do. Why does Brett have to go look for Jonesy ALONE after some weird ass thing just burst out of his friend? Yeah, it was the size of a rat but its still something completely new and unknown and I for sure wouldn't have gone out alone. OR how about stripping the marines in Aliens of everything but

Lol I already caved a couple weeks ago. But I have yet to not own a nintendo console and figure ill want one eventually for other titles, so I might as well try and go for the "New Zelda on a new console" experience that I haven't had since I was like 7.

What a piece of shit.

Yeah, that one could have easily been made with crab or something if you ask me.

There's a shot of one of them practicing some kicks on top of a train in like every trailer so far and a shot of i think the blue ranger using some high kicks on a rock creature in the second trailer. So probably.

There are a lot of people with particular affection for the original series. I am not one of those but I happen to love giant robots and super heroes so I am also interested in this. I also loved Pacific Rim. Some people are just more willing to have fun and not take things too seriously all the time it seems.

Dark Souls is best when you overcome a challenge. Kinda hard to have the right challenge, and therefore the whole fun of the game, on an easier difficulty. It's not for everyone, and yes the difficulty REALLY IS integral to the experience. It's not something that can really be explained, it has to be experienced to be

It saved me. For like a day. Great movie tho.

Really? No mention of, like, ANY System of a Down album? BYOB? Sad Statue? I don't see how Green Day makes the list and SOAD doesn't, for shame.

The super delegates being pledged to Clinton from the start is pure fucking bs. That is NOT how it is supposed to go down.

Just because it's invisible to everyone but her doesn't mean its a ghost. No one ever said ghost. To me, considering how it kills, it should have a physical presence. But that's my opinion.

The explanation for midichlorians is in the damn film itself, they're microscopic organisms DRAWN to the force, they are not the Force nor have they ever been. Come on AV Club, yer better than this.

I'd just like him to at least stay around for Apocalypse. After that the rights should just go back to Marvel anyways and re-casting then would be totally appropriate. I'd also like a unicorn and a million billion dollars. *sigh*

Or a certain someone with… hands.
I don't know about the WW's doing it, would they go back on the whole 1 baby every once in a while for no slaughtering deal? Don't they want a steady supply of sons, regardless of who's doing the raping? Then again I'm a newb who knows too much in a den of experts so I don't know as

Possible book 5 spoilers? I dunno, I'm actually a newbie who doesn't care about some book spoilers, so take what I'm about to say with whatever amount of salt you think that calls for.