
I always pictured her as a redhead.

"'Audition' is slang for autopsy. We have a lot of slang in the old med biz. That's slang, for medical business? We call doctors 'doc' and dead bodies 'corpses'"

That's a fair point about The Wide Window. But stuff like not blocking the entrance (which we *know* they had the capability and manpower to do) makes them just seem incompetent. Whereas the problems stressed in the books were always 1) miscommunication and the strongly related 2) not knowing who to trust, which

Yes, there's an unpleasant Spy Kids vibe at times. Plus VFD is supposed to be fractured and barely functional throughout the course of ASOUE, which avoids the question of "why didn't they just help the Baudelaires?"

I'd like to reiterate my theory that Jacqueline is the real "JS" who comes in books 11 and 12. Adding in this character may help to clarify some of the plot tangles that come in at the end of the series. Jacques Snicket getting mistaken for Olaf and killed is actually a good plot and I don't think the writers would

I don't mind the spyglasses and didn't understand why people were mad about them, but I do miss the low-tech simplicity of the Sebald Code.

The joke about "television executives" was funny but yeah, that flashback was … not the best.

Yes, the kids are somewhat of a cipher in the books. You do seem them develop somewhat as they become more self-reliant and more aware of the world and its cruelties, but I would struggle to define a specific character trait for either Violet or Klaus from the books (Sunny, as she develops, has more of her own take on

fair lol

I think you are - I know some people have worked out how long the series takes based on the clues in the novel and it turns out it takes place within a year, which is ridiculous. In any case if they shoot seasons 2 and 3 within the next year like they've been saying they will, the baby still definitely still be a baby.

Also what on earth are they going to do in the later books when Sunny can walk and talk and prepare gourmet dishes and propose the most morally questionable plans out of all the orphans

One of those things that can kind of work in a book and just looks silly onscreen.

Found out the actor also plays the Qatari ambassador in Veep … he's pretty good in that, although he doesn't have much to do but seem officious and slightly mysterious.

I thought the Yessica Haircut thing went on way too long, but the marriage speech was amazing. Everything HIG mumbles to themselves is A+

I know, I'm just playing dumb for those that haven't finished the series yet :)

Do they say "the" children or "their" children or both? I actually can't remember

No - that the characters in this TV series that are ostensibly the Baudelaire parents are actually the Snicket siblings. Not that the Baudelaires' parents are actually brother and sister. :)

Yeah and getting het up about "literally" vs. "figuratively" is a major red flag of middlebrow pretension in my experience. The show almost redeemed it for me by having Snicket's explanation go so completely ostentatious and over the top, but it was still irritating.

It's not like Jacques had that much to do in the books though. Really Jacques's role in The Vile Village could be taken by any VFD member that looks somewhat like Olaf, and Jacques/Kit hybrid could still be around for book 12. Although that would break the symmetry of every family in this series having three children

Of course if the theory that Mr. and Mrs. Baudelaire are actually Jacques and Kit Snicket is true …. However, if she is a genderbent J. Snicket, I don't see why she couldn't just show up in the Village of Fowl Devotees looking for the Baudelaires and get captured like Jacques did in the book. But my personal guess is