Doobie Brothers


This is funny, because I don't give a crap.

OMG, yes! such a local cow tipping anti-deburk! get him!

what? who?

eat her, eat her for dinner!

oh la la

my butt hurts

All these movies sucked the big one. Who fucking cares if the names associated with these movies campaigned for them or not?

say it ain't so!

He sure has done a lot of television, and yet, I've never seen him in anything. I recognize the face, and knew he was on TNG, but, oh well.

So someone that performs in his underpants doesn't like a good song. Wow, tell me other things you don't like.

It's a shame that you were unable to properly interpret my original post. Now you've wasted my time to tell you to re-read it. If you still are unable to comprehend said post, don't embarrass yourself any further by responding yet again.

Don't like LZ? That's fine, it's music for grownups. Now toddle off to your bieber website to see what he had for breakfast.


As a kid I watched most of the first few seasons, and then lost interest. No remorse.

As a kid I watched most of the first few seasons, and then lost interest. No remorse.

Keep spending, it's good for the economy.

Keep spending, it's good for the economy.