Is it legal to change my grade to a B?
Is it legal to change my grade to a B?
"If this was a Season 4 episode you guys would've hated it", just like the "if this was a Harmon episode you guys would've loved it!" last year, are pointless discussions because…well, this wasn't a Season 4 episode, and no universe exists in which it was, so what's the point is speculating?
I rewatched, and I think the ambiguity of the ending was intentional, so I agree that maybe it doesn't necessarily fail on the emotional side. I just wanted a little more from Pierce's death. I wanted the concept to stop more than it did for it.
There was Jeff and Britta tension in Season 4?
Community - 1.2
Parks & Rec - 1.3
Sean Saves the World - 0.8
The Michael J. Fox Show - 0.7
Parenthood - 1.2
I do think the show is in "coast" mode 90% of the time lately, and it's impending my enjoyment of it. That said, there have been moments this season that felt like the show trying something new. The season premiere was an interesting analysis of whether Leslie's dedication to her town is actually healthy for her, and…
Yeah, come to think of it, I don't think Shirley could destroy her business in 3 months.
It's okay, I put the exact same amount of unnecessary thought into shows' timelines. Needless to say, Season 4 DISTRESSED me.
Well, it definitely debunks the "three years later" theory. I still think this is taking place sometime during the 2013 - 2014 school year for sure. I'm still sticking with my Spring 2014 stance.
Oh my god I am so tired of Ben and Leslie's "cuteness" being shoved in my face.
I haaaaaated the Paris thing. Maybe I have a heart of stone, but my "Ben & Leslie being cute" quota has been filled for life and then some.
Both Repilot and this episode were shot intentionally darker, I think. I didn't notice the tint with Introduction to Teaching.
The lack of ability to land any sort of emotion was Season 4-esque. But this episode did pull off its concept, which was something that wouldn't have happened last season.
Isn't Leslie just going back to the Parks department for now? I know she's aspiring to bigger and better things, but how is that different from before?
I really wish this show would just nut up and do something interesting already. With shows like Community and Archer using their late-season ruts to re-launch and re-energize their concepts, it's making this shows' commitment to doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over again stick out even more.…
Brick's storyline was a painfully accurate account of what it's like to be a kid with an anxiety disorder.
There's a ton of Tracy lines like that. I'm totally blanking on them too, though.
B99 is a little bit more from the 30 Rock/Happy Endings wheelhouse of comedy, I think. The character building is straight up Schur though.
Neither are even really written as punchlines (the physical therapy line is a set-up, really). But the way Peretti phrases them makes seem like it. She is a comic treasure.
I guess kind of a mix of the two, except this didn't totally destroy the concept of the show.