James Fraser

As much as I love Harry I feel like a better option for protecting Iris would be the earth with the near indestructible alien (Supergirl). I know it wouldn't happen as it would probably be too complicated for the producers to deal with, I would still like an in universe (or multiverse) explanation.

Can't help but wonder if Damien abandoning Rip was part of the plan to get the legends out of their way.

One problem I have had with this season was that I felt that Prometheus felt to me as quite a small villain, at least in terms of the larger arrowverse compared to Damien Dark and Ra's al gul. I feel not only having him join forces with black siren amends this but brings up more questions about the villlain. He seems

I feel laurels death gained it's dew mention here. It feels odd though that caitlin wanted to tell Sara about black siren when she doesn't know yet, at least from our point of veiw. But the detonation of a nuclear weapon? Which could lead to nuclear war, I feel a news real or something would be needed. I completely

Not that I want to see the final or penultimate episodes of flash and arrow connect as they did last year, but it feels bizzare the haven rock nuke wasn't mentioned in the flash on Tuesday night.

My favourite part of this episode was definitely the line 'this isn't my first prison break'. I'm not sure if there is some genuine chemistry between Snart and Sara or if I've dreamed it up because he is wentworth miller and her character is name Sara. I also really liked the smaller references to the arrowverse, like