
Possible. My only rebuttal to this suggestion is that he does (if my memory is correct) mention that he wants her to return it because he had written notes in the margins. I confess I have not seen the movie in years, unless of course that is a cultural deal breaker for you, then of course I love that movie. I watch

She is not for everybody, that is true. Much sad that we no can be friends.

Ah yes, that line. However, let me offer you a nuanced take on that nuanced take. He gave the book "The Fountainhead" to the girl, and then told her that "Some people matter, some don't". The reason I chuckled at that scene was because the Fountainhead really does not say anything like that, its thesis is that people

Yes, Rand's philosophy has some extremities I do not accept. Yes, I was aware she had tried other works of Ayn Rand, I guess not enough to satisfy me however that is really not my business.

No, I do not enjoy much of her style. I just do not hate it (there are worse authors). I enjoy Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

Fair point, I was not really addressing somebody like you, but somebody who views Ayn Rand as a "cultural deal breaker". Do you see the difference ? Do you write people off if they like Ayn Rand ? It does not sound like you do. We seem to have differing opinions on this matter yet we can discuss her without fighting

The Ayn Rand comment was humorous. I have read both of her "bricks" and I enjoyed one and was neutral on the other. However, when I critique her ideas or writing style I do have a substantial sample size from which to draw. If I were out with a person who held Sonia's opinions I would tell her to stop whining and read

They are not my favorite but I enjoy many of their songs, and when Tim Reynolds and Dave Matthews play together, it is objectively impressive. In a similar vein, I do not like John Mayer but I know he is pretty darn good at the guitar. Thus, if somebody likes John Mayer there is no reason to go ape on them. So, aside